The City of Maumelle Arkansas

Located in Pulaski County, Arkansas, Maumelle is a city that is just northwest of Little Rock. The city is a part of the larger Little Rock metropolitan area, and has a population of just under twenty thousand.

Weather in Maumelle

During the year, Maumelle, Arkansas experiences significant seasonal variations in rainfall, temperature and wind speed. The best time to visit the area for warm weather activities is early June through mid September.

The clearest month of the year is August. This is because the sun is the lowest in the sky at this time of year. The average high temperature is 92degF.

The coldest month of the year is January. The average low temperature is 33degF. The windiest month is March. The average hourly wind speed is 4.9 miles per hour. The highest elevation within a 50 mile radius of Maumelle is 6540 feet above sea level.

The driest month of the year is July. The average daily high and low temperatures are 51degF and 33degF, respectively.

Topography of Maumelle

Located in the Central Arkansas area, Maumelle is a thriving city with a population of nearly 20,000. The community is close to Little Rock, and provides easy access to shopping, dining, and entertainment. It also has beautiful views of the Arkansas River.

Maumelle has a humid subtropical climate. High temperatures are generally between 33 and 51 degrees Fahrenheit. During the winter, temperatures are colder, but usually do not dip below freezing. The area is home to several golf courses. These are a testament to the natural beauty of the area.

The City of Maumelle is planning for a substantial increase in population over the next 20 years. This growth will require the addition of about 57 acres of land to meet housing demand. A new high school is scheduled to be completed in 2011. The construction will contribute to Maumelle’s maturity as a major city.

Average hourly wind speed in Maumelle

Generally speaking, the average hourly wind speed in Maumelle Arkansas isn’t all that bad, especially for a Midwestern city. As a matter of fact, the average hourly wind speed in Maumelle is more than 6.1 miles per hour. This is in part due to the topography within the city limits. The surrounding area is largely rural, comprised of cropland and trees. The average topography within the city limits is moderately varied, with only minor elevation changes.

The best time to visit Maumelle for hot-weather activities is early June to mid September. The city has its fair share of muggy winters, but overall the weather is not bad.

The average hourly wind speed in Maumelle probably doesn’t exceed 6 miles per hour, though it does vary significantly from season to season. The coldest month of the year is January, with an average high of just 50 deg F. The average low temperature is 33 deg F. The driest month of the year is August, with an average rainfall of 2.4 inches.

Average monthly snowfall in Maumelle

Despite having a humid climate, Maumelle, Arkansas experiences significant seasonal variation in monthly rainfall and snowfall. Averaging 50.6 inches of rainfall and 4.1 inches of snowfall per year, Maumelle is one of the wettest places in Arkansas. The driest part of the year lasts from August to November.

The average monthly temperature in Maumelle varies between 33degF and 93degF. The coldest months are early and late January. The average high temperature in July is 92degF.

The cloudiest month in Maumelle is February. The skies are overcast or mostly cloudy half the time. The best time to visit for warm weather activities is early June through mid September. The average low temperature in February is -2 degrees.

The UV index in Maumelle varies from 3 to 5. The UV Index estimate of three to five is a medium health hazard for an ordinary person. The UV index is a measure of the relative amount of ultraviolet radiation from the sun that is absorbed by the skin.

Schools in Maumelle

Located in the Pulaski County Special School District, Maumelle, Arkansas has four public high schools. There are also three other Maumelle schools: Academics Plus Charter School, Pine Forest Elementary School, and the Maumelle Middle School. The schools are legally required to educate all children, regardless of their ability to pay.

The Maumelle High School is a public secondary school that serves students in grades 9-12. It has an average student/teacher ratio of 20.01:1, which is one of the highest in the state. The school also has several National Board Certified Teachers.

The Maumelle High School also offers Advanced Placement classes. This is a high demand program that helps students earn college credit while in school.

Students in the program can learn about criminal justice, business management, and various other subjects. Many of the students in the program have the opportunity to participate in performing arts.